Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

The Lantern Of Heart

               I can't figure out what does life mean. So many uncertain things we can't understand if we just take a look at  its cover. Deeper comprehension is needed. Life and death, rich and poor, goodness and harm, and so on. Both are just separated by slight difference. Every living things will die, and the dead bodies are who ever live. No matter how rich and handsome we are, finally we will turn to dust. The rich can even exaggerate but not be the happiest. And the poor can even have lacks but maybe happier than the rich. This world always rotate so does the circumstance. Simple but complicated. Aisyah R.A said, " if only you knew what is life, you would cry more than laugh." This world is full of mirage. Entertainments, properties, and various of pleasures are available. It almost deceive people, except who realizes that this world is just temporary. Because our perennial decision is hereafter. And the main aim we live is worship toward Allah SWT. Allah said," And I didn't create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me." (Adz-Dzariyat:56)
               But don't worry, because Allah will never give trials except at the accordance of His slave. He the one who really knew us at all. There's no privacy between Allah and mankind. From above the seven heavens He knows what is in our heart before it's in our heart. Begin to perform our obligation from the slight one properly.

  • Abu Hurairah reported: I heard the Messanger of Allah, peace be upon him, saying," If there was a river at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day, would you notice any dirt on him?" They said," Not a trace of dirt would be left." He said," That's the example of the five prayers with which Allah wipes out evil deeds." (Sahih Bukhari).
  • "On the day of judgement, the first thing for which a person will be judged will be his prayer. If he performed it properly, he will be successful, but if he didn't do so, he will be destroyed. (At-Tirmidzi)
  • Read Qur'an which is the best cure to light your heart because a heart without Qur'an is like a ship without compass

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