Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Pilgrimage Saving in Conventional Bank

              The implementation of Islamic value in overall aspects of human life is obliged, even though in social, politic, and economy. But, unfortunately the phenomenon nowadays shows that the values ​​of Islam as a whole have not been implemented in various aspects of life. One of examples is in the economic aspect that is the pilgrimage savings in conventional banks. Pilgrimage is one of ways of worshiping Allah, so that we have to concern and observe about the saving system we use with. The interest system that applied by conventional bank is uncertain because it equals usury and the prohibition of usury appears explicitly in Holy Qur’an. Qur’an is the undisputed source of guidance for the whole Muslims. Usury is not an equitable form of transaction. It is unlawful and inflicts financial loss. It creates social inequality and diversity between the rich and the poor, because its profit always flows to the rich. The pilgrimage saving in the conventional bank is being debated nowadays because Islam prohibits the application of interest system.
            Bank is financial institution which has principle business in money distribution and responsibility in money circulation. Specifically, conventional bank is a bank that has the same obligations conventionally. A bank acts as intermediary between customers with surplus capital to those with capital deficits (2011). It collects funds to be distributed to the general public who require such funds. Basically, bank has a significant position and role towards countries that are trying to improve their economic, especially in the association with economic contacts of other countries. Conventional principles applied by conventional bank contain of two methods, those are: first is define interest as prices, both for products such as saving deposits, term deposits, and loan products (credits) granted under certain interest rate. Second is implement a costing system called fee-based by using a fee for the use of service of other banks.
            In the conventional banks the importance of shareholder is to optimize interest rate difference between the interest rates on deposits and loans, in other side lenders expect a high interest savings, whereas debitors expect low interest rate. So that conventional bank is an intermediary between these parties. As for bank is an institution, it has systematic management aimed for obtaining gains. It applies the interest system determined in the contract time and profitable for bank. Its percentage is based on the amount of money or capital lent. Total of interest payments are not binding even though the amount of gain multiplied when economic conditions are good. Because of this interest system, conventional bank is being debated nowadays.
            Economic aspects should be in accordance with Islamic principles which prohibit usury system of interest. Therefore, Islam proposed one another bank system, profit loss sharing system. It is allowable banking system because it does not implement the system of interest in all activities while the conventional bank just the opposite. This is a significant difference between the two systems, where to avoid interest the system which is being developed is the buying and partnerships undertaken in the form of profit-sharing. In the allowable banking system, client funds are managed in the form of a deposit or investment. The funds deposited in this system are highly liquid because it is based on the concept that bank must be able to fulfill any customers need. High liquidity makes funds deposited less qualified as an investment that requires the deposition of funds (2012). Whereas if customer funds are invested, because the concept of investment is business risk, meaning that in every opportunity to take advantages of the business conducted, there is also a risk to accept a loss, so that between the customer and the bank equally share both benefits and risks. In accordance with the function of the bank as an intermediary, the institution of money distribution from depositors to borrowers, customer funds collected by deposit or investment and used for commercial transactions that allowed. The benefits as result from the use of customer funds which are channeled into efforts, which will be distributed to customers. So, the concept of sharing can only work if the client funds in the bank are invested into the business, then the business profit shared, whereas the deposits of customers in conventional bank no matter whether the savings channeled into the business or not, banks are still required to pay the interest. Thus the profit-sharing system makes the size of the profits received by the customer equals to the size of bank profits. In this system the customers get the benefits from sharing agreement. This sharing agreement is determined by a number of profit sharing ratios. The ratio of profit sharing between the bank and its customers is determined in advance, for example assume that each party's share is 60:40, which means that the results obtained will be distributable by 60% to customers and 40% for banks. In the organizational structure of an Islamic bank has a Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS). DPS oversees all activities of the bank in order to always be in accordance with the principles of Sharia. The sample of banks which implement the profit loss sharing system are Muamalat, Sharia Mandiri, Sharia BNI, Sharia BCA, Sharia Bukopin, and so on.
            The different perception on interest system and allowable banking system stimulates a debate on thestatus of the interest system in Islam between ulama’. They debate whether interest is allowed or not, although the prohibition of usury is listed in Qur’an. They have their own opinions and perspectives upon interest system. Some of them say that interest equals usury and therefore it is prohibited, while others just the contrary. There are many reasons from ulama’ ahli fiqh who allow the application of interest system in conventional bank, those are: (a) the interest is not usury which is prohibited as it is mentioned in the Quran and Hadits, (b) the usury is multiplied interest; while bank interest lent is not that case. Sayyid Muhammad Thanthawi (via Jejen, 2012) said that conventional bank or deposit is allowed and lawful in its various forms with the interest determination. According to him, beside the determination will avoid any dispute or deception in the future, as well as determination of interest is made ​​after careful calculation, and applied between the customer and the bank on the basis of their willingness. Dr. Abdullah Ibrahim Al Nasir (via Jejen, 2012) said Islam cannot exist without economic power, and no economic power is sustained without banks, whereas no banking without usury. Banking system has clear differences with usury that prohibited in the noble Qur'an, because interest is a new system or muamalah, it means that the law is not listed in Qur'an which explains about the prohibition of usury. According to the decision of Majma al-Buhust al-Islamiyah 2002 that advance determination of benefits to those who invest their money through banks or non-banks is lawful and no doubtful in the transaction, as long as both parties are willing to such form transactions.
             Ulama’ who decide interest system is unlawful and prohibited have also specific reason related to the verses of Qur’an. Interest has some characteristics, those are: determination of interest at the time the contract was made with the assumption should always be profitable, amount of percentage based on the amount of money (capital) lent, fixed interest payments as promised without any consideration of whether the project executed by the client is profit or loss, interest payment amount is not increased even though the number of profits multiplied, the existence of interest is doubtful ( Gema Insani Press, 2001). From those characteristics, majority of ulama decided interest equals usury and therefore prohibited. According to Meeting of 150 Ulama 'in the Islamic research conference in Muharram 1385 H (May 1965) in Cairo, Egypt suggested that any advantage over various kinds of loans, all are practices of forbidden usury including bank interest. Majma'al Fiqh al-Islamy, OIC Countries held in Jeddah on June 10-16 of Rabi’ul Awwal 1406 H/22 of December 1985 has the same decision that interest is not allowed. According to National Fatwa Shari’ah Board (DSN) Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) of 2000 which states that bank interest is not in accordance with the Shari'ah principles.
            There are two groups of opinion about pilgrimage savings in conventional banks. This case is due to the doubtful interest in conventional banking system. The first group opines that interest system is allowed because it is not kind of usury and determination of benefits to those who invest their money through banks or non-banks is lawful and no doubtful in the transaction, as long as both parties are willing to such form transactions. Whereas the second opines that bank interest equals usury because it is included to multiply interest. The appearance of usury prohibition in Holy Qur’an confirms this statement. Thus, the pilgrimage saving in the conventional bank is being debated nowadays because Islam prohibits the application of interest system. Islam prohibits the use of money for money, money is just for the exchange rate and because the amount of interest is determinated at the contract time without knowing whether this effort will gain or suffer of loss. Usury is uncertain thing (gharar) in Islam. It is unlawful and inflicts financial loss because it always flows to the rich. As Muslims we have to concern about the saving system we use with in order to avoid bans on sharia. We already know that Islam prohibits usury as it appears in Holy Qur’an, so that we have to avoid what to be prohibited by sharia and take a better way to implement Islamic values in aspects of life.



Bunga bank dalam islam. (2012, 03 26). Retrieved 04 10, 2013, from Allys 177: http://allys177.blogspot.com/2012/03/bunga-bank-dalam-islam.html
Hasan, K. (2012, 02). Kumpulan materi. Retrieved 04 28, 2013, from http://kulpulan-materi.blogspot.com/2012/02/macam-macam-bank.html
Hima. (2011, 10 10). Kontroversi Seputar Fatwa MUI Tentang Bunga Bank. Retrieved 04 28, 2013, from http://himaekis.feb.unair.ac.id/?p=38
Jejen, J. (2012, 10). Riba dan fatwa hukum bunga bank konvensional. Retrieved 04 28, 2013, from http://jejenjaelani75.blogspot.com/2012/10/mengenal-lebih-dekat-tentang-riba-dan.html
Pengertian Bank Konvensional dan Definisi Serta Prinsip. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 10, 2013, from Sarjanaku.com: http://www.sarjanaku.com/2012/06/pengertian-bank-konvensional-dan.html
Perbedaan bank konvensional dengan bank syariah. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 28, 2013, from http://www.wealthindonesia.com/syariah-banking/perbedaan-bank-konvensional-dengan-bank-syariah.html
Bank konvensional sistem bunga (n.d.). Retrieved 04 10, 2013, from Lets Belajar: http://lets-belajar.blogspot.com/2011/11/e-bank-konvensional-sistem-bunga-dan.html

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

The Best Person I've Ever Had

Pencil: I'm sorry.
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry you get hurt because of me.
Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it.
But as you make my mistake vanish, you lose
a part of yourself and get smaller and smaller
each time.
Eraser: That's true, but I don't really mind.
You see I was made to do this. I was made to help you
whenever you do something wrong, even though
one day I know I'll be gone.
I'm actually happy with my job. So please stop worrying.
I hate seeing you sad.

"Our parents are like eraser, whereas we children are the pencil.
They are always there for the children,
cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way
they get hurt and become smaller (older and eventually pass on).
Take care of your parents, treat them with kindness and
most especially love them.

The Lantern Of Heart

               I can't figure out what does life mean. So many uncertain things we can't understand if we just take a look at  its cover. Deeper comprehension is needed. Life and death, rich and poor, goodness and harm, and so on. Both are just separated by slight difference. Every living things will die, and the dead bodies are who ever live. No matter how rich and handsome we are, finally we will turn to dust. The rich can even exaggerate but not be the happiest. And the poor can even have lacks but maybe happier than the rich. This world always rotate so does the circumstance. Simple but complicated. Aisyah R.A said, " if only you knew what is life, you would cry more than laugh." This world is full of mirage. Entertainments, properties, and various of pleasures are available. It almost deceive people, except who realizes that this world is just temporary. Because our perennial decision is hereafter. And the main aim we live is worship toward Allah SWT. Allah said," And I didn't create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me." (Adz-Dzariyat:56)
               But don't worry, because Allah will never give trials except at the accordance of His slave. He the one who really knew us at all. There's no privacy between Allah and mankind. From above the seven heavens He knows what is in our heart before it's in our heart. Begin to perform our obligation from the slight one properly.

  • Abu Hurairah reported: I heard the Messanger of Allah, peace be upon him, saying," If there was a river at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day, would you notice any dirt on him?" They said," Not a trace of dirt would be left." He said," That's the example of the five prayers with which Allah wipes out evil deeds." (Sahih Bukhari).
  • "On the day of judgement, the first thing for which a person will be judged will be his prayer. If he performed it properly, he will be successful, but if he didn't do so, he will be destroyed. (At-Tirmidzi)
  • Read Qur'an which is the best cure to light your heart because a heart without Qur'an is like a ship without compass

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Pilih mantan pacar atau calon istri?

Pagi  yang selalu bersahabat. Udara yang sejuk, secangkir teh hangat, dan roti yang menemani. Mungkin bisa dibilang perfect circumstance andai saja tugas-tugas, mind map, dan paper-paper di hadapanku ini menghilang dalam sekejap. Ya, kali ini aku masih berkutat dengan tugas-tugas yang tak kunjung selesai. Ffffiiuuuhh...betapa penat pikiranku saat ini. Sambil sesekali melirik twitter, mataku menyusuri timeline dan setiap status teman-temanku. Tak ada yang menarik hingga mataku terpaku pada status salah satu temanku. " Tanggal 26 adalah ulang tahun mantanku. Semoga kamu bahagia dengannya mantan," kurang lebih seperti itu. Bukan apa-apa, hanya saja aku sedikit merasa ganjil dengan kata "mantan". Kok mau sih dibilang mantan?

Entah aku yang terlalu imajinatif atau efek tugas yang membuat pikiranku berteriak untuk istirahat sejenak dan mengembara kemanapun aku mau. Teringat kembali perkataan salah satu dosen ketika aku sedang mengikuti kegiatan pesantrenisasi di kampus. Seorang warga Amerika bertanya kepada salah seorang muslim.

"Mengapa pakaian seorang wanita muslim harus menutup seluruh tubuhnya?" Tanya orang Amerika.

Orang muslim itu tersenyum dan menjawabnya singkat, " Karena itu peraturan yang berlaku."

Orang Amerika itu mengerutkan kening dan merasa tak puas," Maksudku, mengapa Islam mengharuskan peraturan yang seperti itu? Bukankah itu membatasi gerak wanita? Kau tentu paham maksud pertanyaanku."

Kembali orang muslim hanya tersenyum mendengar pertanyaannya. Bukannya menjawab, orang muslim itu mengeluarkan dua bungkus permen dari sakunya dan membuka salah satu bungkusnya. Orang Amerika terheran-heran dengan apa yang dilakukannya. Kemudian orang muslim membuang kedua permen itu ke lantai dan bertanya," Jika harus memilih, permen mana yang akan kau pilih?"
Orang Amerika memungut permen yang masih dibungkus dan membiarkan permen yang sudah terbuka bungkusnya.

" Seperti itulah Islam menjaga para wanita. Kau pun sebenarnya mengerti," katanya sambil tersenyum.

Islam tidak membatasi gerak wanita, tetapi Islam melindungi kaum hawa. Karena wanita diciptakan indah di mata lelaki. Dan keindahan itu harus dijaga.

Aku tidak membahas apa keterkaitan antara kata "mantan" dengan cerita di atas. Pun aku takkan membahas perihal pacaran. Sudah seringkali kita mendengar ceramah atau pengajian tentang pacaran dan pergaulan. Bosan. Iya, memang bosan. Tapi toh ternyata yang aborsi semakin banyak, yang hamil diluar nikah juga malah jama'ah, korban putus asa sana sini sampai mutilasi juga bertebaran. Na'udzubillah. Karena sesungguhnya setiap dari kita sudah paham dan mengerti akan hukum dan akibat dari hal tersebut. Islam juga sudah menjaga kita dari kemungkinan terjadinya hal itu, hanya saja kita tidak peduli atau bahkan tidak mau peduli? Tanyakan pada hati kita yang terdalam, bukan pada nafsu.

Me, Ma Self, Ma Everything: Di Kala Cinta Memilih

Me, Ma Self, Ma Everything: Di Kala Cinta Memilih: Sebuah rasa tentang "CINTA". Apakah cinta sebenarnya? Cinta tak pernah meminta untuk menanti. Ia mengambil kesempatan, itulah ke...

Give Thanks

Pagi yang cerah, sepiring kasih sayang, dan secangkir cinta. Alhamdulillah. maka nikmatNya yang manakah yang kau dustakan? Sepertinya ayatNya yang satu ini benar-benar menelisik setiap hati manusia yang memahami artinya. Tak urung kita yang berfitrah mempunyai hawa nafsu. Sungguh sebenarnya bersyukur membuat segalanya lebih indah.

Entah apa yang aku pikirkan akhir-akhir ini. Mungkin efek dari liburan dan santai yang membuatku berkhayal dan merenung. Andai aku menjadi orang kaya sekaya Nabi Sulaiman, aku akan membeli rumah mewah berlantaikan berlian, beratapkan saphire, dan bertiang emas. Jika aku bosan dengan rumahku di Swiss, aku bisa pindah ke Hawaii. Aku akan keliling dunia, menjejakkan setiap kakiku di tempat hiburan dan bersejarah di seluruh dunia. Aku akan membeli apa yang aku inginkan, bergelimang harta, makanan hotel berbintang 5, bersantai, mencoba semua tipe mobil mewah yang ada di dunia. jika aku bosan dengan mobil tipe A, maka aku akan menggantinya dengan mobil tipe B. semua dapat aku dapatkan dengan mudah. Bukankah ini surga dunia?

Tapi tunggu, sepertinya itu tidak seindah yang aku bayangkan. apa jadinya jika aku telah mencoba semua rumah yang ada di dunia ini? Menapaki seluruh tempat hiburan dan bersejarah di bumi?  Memiliki koleksi sepatu dan pakaian yang tak kunjung habis? Tenggelam dalam tumpukan emas dan perak yang tak kan surut walaupun tujuh turunan? Memiliki jajaran mobil dalam garasi seluas seribu hektar? Masihkah aku merasa bahagia? Tidak. Seketika itulah aku merasa bosan. Semua sudah aku rasakan. Saat itulah kekayaan tak berarti apa-apa.

Tapi bagaimana jika aku tidak mempunyai apapun? Yang kumiliki hanyalah usaha, cinta, dan do'a. Kehidupan mungkin akan terasa sulit pada awalnya. Aku harus berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan apa yang aku inginkan. Dan terasa indah saat prosesnya. Cinta dari Allah, keluarga dan teman akan selalu menyertai di kala surut, lelah, dan gelisah. Pada akhirnya semua akan terasa manis. Yaitu ketika aku mendapatkan apa yang aku inginkan dengan jerih payahku. Hasil akan terasa lebih manis ketika kita mendapatkannya dengan cucuran keringat. Sebenarnya bagiku kebahagiaan tidak terukur oleh materi. Bahagia itu sederhana. Bagiku bahagia adalah ketika aku bersama dengan orang yang aku sayangi dan mensyukuri apa yang kita punya.

Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Emergency Telephone Numbers

You are Sad.................................Qur'an 2:25
You have sinned............................Qur'an 39:53
You are seeking peace.....................Qur'an 05:16
You are seeking a friend..................Qur'an 02:257
You are sexually discriminated...........Qur'an 33:35
You are racially discriminated........... Qur'an 49:13
You are seeking love and tranquility....Qur'an 30:21
You are depressed.........................Qur'an 13:28
You are yearning for a close friend......Qur'an 50:16
You feel you are not appreciated.......Qur'an 76:22
You feel like a loser.......................Qur'an 12:87
You feel underpriviledged...............Qur'an 14:34
You are tired of hardship................Qur'an 94:05
You people come fight with you........Qur'an 25:63
For deliverance from fear...............Qur'an 02:62
For assurance of forgiveness.............Qur'an 03:135
For double assurance.....................Qur'an 15:49


Source: www.facebook.com/Ayra Astreenz